DESIGN: The inventor of Glob Mops initially employed standard cotton swabs but concluded he required a more effective solution for his own needs. He refined the conventional cotton swab design by incorporating wooden sticks for enhanced durability and shaping one end into a pointed tip to access difficult areas.
FOR QUARTZ NAILS AND BANGERS: Use Glob Mops XL 2.0 swabs to keep your quartz nails and bangers clean after each use. Nails and bangers can show oil residue and oxidation after just one use. Made with 100% pure cotton, these bamboo cotton mops prevent oxidation and torching and are specifically designed for easy use with your high-quality quartz device
EXTRA LOOSE COTTON: The Glob Mops XL 2.0 Cotton Mops have three times more cotton than the original v1 mops, and they have extra loose cotton for better absorption. The creator of Glob Mops also added an extra 100 mops to the count